Ingredients: Agnus castus 6X, Baryta carbonica 12X, Chimaphila umbellata 6X, Clematis erecta 3X, Conium maculatum 12X, Digitalis purpurea 12X, Ferrum picricum 12X, Interferon gamma 4C, Interleukin 10 4C, Interleukin 2 4C, Melatonin 4C Prostate 200, Sabal serrulata 3X, Selenium metallicum 12X, Staphysagria 12X, TGF-beta-1 4C Thuja occidentalis 12X, Zincum metallicum 3X. Side Effects: None Known Drug Interactions: None Known Please consult your doctor or a certified, homeopathic practitioner for advice regarding dosage. If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use. Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms persist for more than 5 days or worsen. WARNINGS: Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of childrens

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