Leukoplast® Elastic Plasters

  • Breathable
  • Highly Adhesive
  • Flexible
  • Conformable
  • Water Vapour permeable
  • Minimise infection risk
  • Latex-Free
  • Kind to Skin



Sports people are often reluctant to wear plasters in some areas due to movement restrictions, the Leukoplast elastic plasters are specifically designed for individuals participating in sporting activities. These plasters offer exceptional flexibility and can conform to any area of the body including fingers and joint areas. The flexible properties of the plaster allow natural movements to continue as normal while the adhesive is strong enough to adhere to damp, sweaty skin. Similar to other plasters in the Leukoplast range they are both breathable and water vapour permeable, minimising the risk of developing an infection. Latex-free they are suitable for a wide range of people and excellent in the treatment of minor wounds, abrasions and cuts. Available in:

  • 1m and 6cm roll
  • Pack of 20 assorted sizes
  • Pack of 40 assorted sizes

Please note, the manufactures are updating the packaging of this range although the product remains the same, this means you may get either of the packing in the photos as new stock is supplied.